Build Your RealTrax Layout From These Plans
M.T.H. Electric Trains RealTrax track plans and track components are available to review by visiting the links to the left. You'll find different plans based on size, each with a component list of different track items you'll need as well as downloadable PDFs and images of the design.
You can order the track components from any M.T.H. Authorized Retailer.
Locomotives, freight cars, and passenger cars are designed to operate on a minimum curve diameter. The RealTrax system has curves as small as 31" in diameter. Locomotives and cars designed to operate on a 42" curve cannot operate on 31". Be sure to choose a layout design that features curves no smaller than your locomotives and cars are capable of negotiating as the minimum sharpness of a curve is the minimum size curve a train can negotiate without derailing. Trains can always operate on curves wider than their minimum recommendation.
- It Takes EIGHT O-31 Curves To Make A Circle
- It Takes TWELVE O-42 Curves To Make A Circle
- It Takes TWELVE O-54 Curves To Make A Circle
- It Takes SIXTEEN O-72 Curves To Make A Circle
It Takes SIXTEEN O-82 Curves To Make A Circle